
“Strekevo” – the most modern hydro system in the Republic of Macedonia, built in 1982. For irrigation of 20,200 ha of Pelagonia, for water supply of Bitola and the environment, as well as part of the industry, for the use of the hydro potential of the waters and protection against floods of part of Pelagonija. Basic objects of the hydro system are: the vulnerial dam “Strezevo”; Accumulation 39 million m; Alimentary channel – Long 61.5 km, covers the waters of 7 watercourses from Baba Mountain and introduced them into the basin of the Shemnica River; The main supply channel – for transport and distribution of water to the water products, with a total length of 44 km; Center for Dynamic Regulation – Unique in Macedonia, which allows the smooth hydro system Strezevo supply of consumers with water and eliminating water losses per channel. The hydrosystem manages the PE “Hydrosystem Streve” from Bitola. ST. DOD. The death of stress, fresco from the dining room in the monastery Hilandar (1622)

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СТРЕЖЕВО

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