Defends in Macedonia – objects that compare watercourses and an accumulation is formed, which is used for irrigation, production of electricity, water supply, flood protection, etc. In the Republic of Macedonia, 24 large (higher than 15 m) and 110 small dams were built, with a total accumulation area of 3 2.42 km. Small dams are stumbled, and from the big 16 they are bulk, 8 concrete. The highest is the rocky dam “Kozjak” (114 m), on the Treska River, with accumulation 3,5 km, then “Tikves” (104 m) and “Spilje” (101 m). The first built dam – “St. Andreja “(Licory, 29.5 m, 1938) – for electricity generation (H = 3,2 m) and today is in use. From 1952 to 1972 13 large dams were built – seven bulk (“Mavrovo”, 54 m, “Globocica”, 82,5 m, “Vodoca”, 42 m, “Tikves”, 104 m, “Kalimanci”, 85 m, “Spilje” , 101 m and “Turia”, 77.5 m) and six concrete (“Lipkovo”, 29.5 m, “Gradce”, 29 m, “youth”, 27 m, “Prilep”, 35 m, “Ratevska River “, 49 m and” voice “, 71.5 m). By 1972 Another five bully dams were completed, the greatest “Strezevo” (76 m, especially significant for Bitola and the surrounding area). In the last 10 months1932) – composer. Since 1954 Zi-Mavrovo dam “Brato Labor” b Table 1. The big dams in Macedonia Name River Year Type XXLⅴv Purpose K no 3 33 Construction MMMM M × 10 St. Andreja Fever 1938 l 29.5 38.0 64.0 3000 3550 HPE Mavrovska 1952 Z 54,0 62,0 210,0 777000 357000, Lipkovo Lipkovo 1958 l 29.5 40.0 203.0 13000 2250 The , Ⅴ City Kocanska 1959 L 29.0 43.0 150.0 12000 2400 В, Mladina Otovica 1962 l 27.0 34.0 73.0 2560 8000 The Globočica Black Drim 1965 K-Z 82.5 90.0 196 , 0 998000 58000 HPP Spača Vodoča 1965 K-44,0 48.7 185,0 316800 27600, ⅴ Prilep Oroeovka 1966 P-L 35.0 38.5 408.5 25500 6000 on Tikves Crna Reka 1968 K-Z 104.0 113.5 338.0 272200 475000 of, HPP Kalimanci Bregalnica 1969 K-Z 85,0 92,0 240,0 1389000 127000 On, HPP Black Drim 1969 K-Z 101,0 112,0 330.0 2699000 520000 HPE Ratevska Ratevska 1972 l 49,0 53,0 194,0 21700 10500 c, in Turia Turia Turia 1972 K-Z 77.5 93.0 417.3 1978000 48000, 80.0 344.0 168000 22000, HPP Mantovo Lakavica 1975 K-Z 37, 5 49,0 138.0 261000 47500, ⅴ Strezevo Shemnica 1982 K-Z 76,0 832.0 4300000 112000, Of Suvodol Suvodolska 1982 Z 33.9 38.3 941.0 1740000 78800 78800 7880 R, ⅴ Substes Sergeant 1985 l 18,0 22.5 92,0 6660 310 On, Mavrovica Mavrovica 1982 Z 24,0 29,0 360.0 400000 2800 c, Ilovica Ilovic 1999 K-Z 27.8 29.8 274.0 131000 500 c, Kozjak Fever 2003 K-Z 114,0 126,0 300.0 3340000 550000 R, HPP, ⅴ Lisel * Topolka (2006) Z 66,0 76.9 579.6 3295000 23000 c, of Rensa * Rensa (2006) K-N 41.0 45.2 165,0 260000 1080 ⅴ Key: H-height above the terrain; H-constructive height; L / length of the dam in the crown; V- Valuation of the dam; In total volume of K no accumulation; Z – earth dam; K-Z – stonemen; K-N – stone default dam; L – Line Dam; P-l – multilayal dam; Ⅴ – water supply; Of – irrigation; HPP – hydropower; R-Release; * – In construction, the construction of the dam is re-intensified, and “Kozjak” (2003) were built, and the final phase is the earth dam “Lisice” (66 m) and the stone “Rensa” (41 m, first with a screen of geosynthetics ). The construction of “St.. Five, “the Treska River, and in the plan are a dozen other dams. L. T.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БРАНИ во Македонија