
Kale (Strezhevo in Bitola, also known as Karalmen, ⅵ c.) – a fixed settlement that extends on the dominant terrace on the right bank of the Chemnica River, whose valley abits traces of the exploitation of iron ore. Here he went a road that connected the riotous area with Demir Hisar and the enforcable road. During the performance of the hydro-melioration system Strezevo, where it is preceded by archaeological researches, they are immersed with the lake accumulation. The determination, with an area of ​​about 2.5 hectares, was strengthened with towers, with the entry of the northwest side and necropolis outside of it. Southwest of the fortress has the remains of a simultaneous settlement with an early Christian basilica, in which the rich depot of iron tools and horse equipment is discovered.: T. Janakievski, Kale, p. Streve-Bitola, report from the protective archaeological research, MAA, 6, Skopje, 1983, 97-110. L. Ⅹ.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КАЛЕ

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