Stojkov, Metodija (village Besikovo, Kocani, 12. ⅱ 1945) – Economist, university professor, socialist. He finished elementary education in the village. Blatec, Vinica, and secondary in Berovo (1965). At the Faculty of Economics at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje graduated (1969), Master’s Degree (1975) and PhD (1980) on topics in the field of economic development of the Republic of Macedonia. For an assistant at the Faculty of Economics in Skopje (upon the subject history of the political economy) was elected in 1969, for a lecturer (in the case of political economy) in 1978, for assistant (on the subject of economic doctrines) in 1980, for an associate professor (after the same subject) In 1986 and for a full professor (in the subject development of economic thought) in 1991. The undergraduate studies taught the subjects development of economic thought and social wealth and national accounts. In addition to the teaching activity of the Faculty of Faculty, conducted instruction in undergraduate studies at several faculties in the country (Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Agriculture, Interdisciplinary Studies in Journalism in Skopje and the Faculty of Economics in Prilep). The postgraduate studies taught: the economy of public election, public administration and public accountability, modern concepts and policies. He was chairman of the Faculty Council, head of the Department of Economics, President of the Editorial Board of the Annocity of the Faculty of Economics, Bill and Procedure of the Faculty of Economics in Skopje (1982-1984). In 1986/1987 he was a dean of interdisciplinary studies in journalism in Skopje. He is a member of the European Culture Society. He was director of the Marxist Center “Mito Hadzi Vasilev-Jasmine” in Skopje, a member of the CCM of SCM, a member of the Assembly of the Assembly of SR Macedonia, Secretary of the magazine “Economic Review”. It was active in independent and team research in scientific research projects at the Faculty of Economics and other institutions. He is the author of more than 100 scientific and professional papers: books, textbooks, articles, projects, etc. He conceived and developed a contemporary textbook on the subject development of economic thought, and participated in commissions for defending master’s and doctoral dissertations. His scientific research activity is focused in three areas: contemporary economic thought, economic development (especially the economic development of the Republic of Macedonia) and the system of national accounts, has a special contribution to the study of the criteria for classification of economic schools and in the research of their basic postulates. BIB.: Significant books and textbooks: The economic development of the municipality of Resen (co-author), Skopje, 1978; NHS AND INVEREN INVEST IN MACEDONIA – A GUIDE TO COOPER TEATH TEPHE RISSING PREST SETER (co-author), Skopje, 1992; Management and entrepreneurship in Macedonia (co-author), Skopje, 1993; Development of economic thought, Skopje (1994, 2002 and 2008); Economics – Macroeconomic approach (co-author), Skopje, 1997; Nobelencies in Economics (co-author), Skopje, 2000. Participation in more significant projects: mechanisms and instruments for implementing the scientific and technological policy of the economic development of the SR Macedonia, Faculty of Economics, Skopje, 1977; Unequal Regional Development in Economic Theory and Politics, Skopje, 1980. Significant Stat AI: The economic views of John K. Galbrite for the characteristics and perspective of capitalism, “Yearbook at the Faculty of Economics”, Skopje, 1983; Approaches and concepts of studying the development of economic thought, “Yearbook of the Faculty of Economics”, Skopje, 1996; PostCaining Economic Theory, “Yearbook at the Faculty of Economics”, Skopje, 1998; Attachment for the Nobel Prize and for the economic work of Amartia Sen, “Yearbook at the Faculty of Economics”, Skopje, 1998; Newer Synthesis in Economic Science, “Yearbook at the Faculty of Economics”, Skopje, 2000; Some open issues of economic science, “Yearbook at the Faculty of Economics”, Skopje, 2001; The specifics of the concept of Friedrich von Hayek for spontaneous economic progress, “articles”, Jujv, 1-2 / 2003, MANU, Skopje, 2003; Peter’s thoughts Drucker for the society of knowledge and entrepreneurial society, “Yearbook at the Faculty of Economics”, Skopje, 2005; Application of access Public selection of the example of economic freedoms with special emphasis on the Republic of Macedonia, “Young Republic of the Faculty of Economics”, Skopje, 2007; The new institutional economy – a new synthesis of economic thought, “articles”, MANU, Skopje, 2007, Nobelencies in Economics (co-author), the second amended edition, Skopje, 2008. Cyril and Methodius “- Skopje (numbers 215/1974, 287/1978, 327/1980, 347/1980, 467/1986, 554/1991 and 684/1997); “Yearbook at the Faculty of Economics”, Skopje; “Attachments” of the Department of Social Sciences of MANU, Skopje. T. F.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СТОЈКОВ, Методија