“St. Spas”, cherries – cave church, northwest of Struga in the Canyon of Belic River, placed in a great natural cave on steep slopes on the mountain Jablanica. Hardly available, this church had a wooden pantry construction and a wall in the base that actually closed the cave on the south side. The natural forms of the cave were used for painting the fresco painting, the Virgin “Spiliotis” with the little Christ in the caught Kaha under the Liturgical Service of the Archets with the painting of Christ Age surrounded by Cherubim and four angels deacons. Side of the Mother of God are painted St. Five, St. Blocks, St. Sunday, St. Marena and holy doctors Kuzman and Damian. After stylistic characteristics, the frescoes is dated at the beginning of ⅹⅴ c. Lit.: Cvetan Grozdanov, wall painting and icon painting in the Struga region, Struga and Struga, Struga, 1970, 339; Gojko Suboti, Ohrid Picture School of ⅹⅴ century, Ohrid, 1980, 24-25. S. C.
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