Sports public newspaper

Sports public newspapers. In the Ottoman period, newspapers published information on sports events in Macedonia, such as “Constantinople Western” and “Constantinople messenger” in Constantinople, “Vardar” and “legality” in Skopje, “Working Iskra” in Bitola, “Swollen” in Thessaloniki and others . With the “gymnasium” in Skopje (since 1946), the exit and specialized sports newspapers began, later under various names. The sport finds its place in electronic media, immediately after their appearance. Through correspondence, sports events from these areas were published in public media and other Yugoslav centers. In some of the numerous daily newspapers and in electronic media there are special sports editors. In the past, many sports journalists, Reporters and Correspondents were affirmed: Stojan Trajkovski, Nikola Soldov, Branko Davidovski, Ivko Pangovski, Goce Sipkovski, Antun Serchi, Aleksandar Stikikov, Nikola Kovachevski, Miodrag Mizkovic, Warrior Trajkovski, Zoran Miemovski, Boris Pop-Gjorchev, Gjorgji Stojmenki, Slavcho Trosanovski, Pavle Damjanov, Slobodan Si-Micha, Atanas Kostovski, Bosko Trpevski, Ivan Mirovski, Zlatko Kalinski and others. D. S.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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