Spernovic-fishing, Milica

Sprayovic-fishing, Milica (Bitola, 20. ⅳ 1939) – pianist. She graduated from the Music Academy in Belgrade (V. Klock, 1963), where he was a master degree (O. Mihajlovic, 1970). Specialized in Paris (A. Cycolini, V. Perlimuter, 1970). Professor of FMU in Skopje (1975-2003). He conceded as a soloist and a member of the duo fishing in 30 countries of Europe, Asia and South America. Founder of Interfest in Bitola. Leaded master classes; She was a member of the jury commissions in several European countries. CH. Ch .-an. The Prevarn of the GRS In a 1969 drive There are three aggregates with Francis type turbines. The total installed capacity is 84 mies. In the period from 1992-2003 The average annual production was 226.0 Gunn, and the greatest was in 1996. and amounted to 352.3 Guns. Lit.: 50 years Macedonian Electric Power Company, Skopje, 1995; JP. “Electric Power of Macedonia”, Skopje, 1999; Electric Power of Macedonia, CSO report, 2003. Dr. R. Ileesh Spitz.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ШПЕРОВИЌ-РИБАРСКИ, Милица

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