Simitchiev, Kole Petrov (village Fullets, Lerin, Greece, 15. ⅴ 1918 – Wroclaw, Poland, 10. ⅳ 2003) – Macedonian and Polish Slavist, folklorist and prof. The Wroclavian University in Poland. Upon completion of the high school in Lerin (1937) and the classical philology of the Thessaloniki University (1941), finishes Slavic Studies in the branch of the Sofia University in Skopje (1944). First as a fighter of new to Macedonia (1944), followed by ELAS in Brigade of ELAS composed mainly by Macedonians, which at the end of 1944. It goes to fight on the territory of Macedonia. He was elected a member of the Political Commission for the release of Aegean Macedonia. He is engaged in the printing house of the main headquarters and together with Pascal Paskalevski and Foti Ilkovski, published the “newsletter” in Macedonian language (1945-1946). The Civil War in Greece is included in DAG and survives the battles of Gramos (1947). After a decision of the GS of DAG, it rediscates the editions of the Macedonian “non-combat”, “Newsletter” and “Nova Makedonka” (1948) and works on the organization of Macedonian schools on the free territory in EG. Macedonia. The Athens military court condemns him in the absence of death (1948). Ra-Net is in the fighting and transferred to Albanian hospitals in Korca and Elbasan (1949), and hence in the Polish city of Zhireen (1950). The Greek-Macedonian editorial continues the issuance of the “Bulletin” in Macedonian, and then (1951) the editorial office was moved to Wroclaw, where it redires it in. “Democrat” (in Greek and Macedonian). Accused as a “Titov agent”, it is excluded from the CPG and sent to “translation” in a packaging plant and as a physical worker in Wroclaw (1953). Rehabilitated and returned to the party, becomes a member of the presidency of the political refugees from Greece in Poland and the consultant of the Ministry of Education on the Macedonian Issues (1956- 1968). The author or co-author is 14 textbooks in Macedonian for refugee children in Poland, the USSR, WMPR, Romania and Hungary. Assistant, then a professor of old Slavic language and literature at the Department of Russian Philology of the Wroclaw University, where he / she defends the doctoral dissertation “Macedonian Hero People’s Epos” (6. 1966), and habilite with the topic “Macedonian People’s Lirika” (1975 ). Due to illness is retired as a full-time professor (1 x 1988). He has published 4 monographs and over 200 different scientific and professional articles, and he remains in manuscript prepared labor “Balada Cruja Czonjan Salowjk”. BIB.: MACODSKA LYDUKA LEDONJA, NAARS-NROT, 1976; Marko Krala in the Macedonian folk epic (compared to Serbian and Bulgarian motives), IF, Skopje, 1981; Chairme Hajdut Szonjian, a more affectionate, News, 1985. Lit.: Pande Sapkov, the scientific work of Kole Simitchiev, “Macedonia Today,” 11. ⅶ 2005, 6. BL. R. Simitchiev, Pascal Damjanov
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СИМИТЧИЕВ, Коле Петров