
“Shilo” (Prilep, early 1905) – a hectographic newspaper, body of the Prilep organization of TMORO, with the Moto “Macedonia of the Macedonians”. He issued teachers Gjorgji Ganev, Peter Mrmev, Palislam and Todor Pop-Adamov, headed by Jordan Angelov. He aimed to propagate TMORO’s commitments to fight researched corruption and immorality, as well as against neighboring propaganda. Ironizing power, as the editor of the newspaper, the then Thessaloniki Valia Hilmi-Pasha, and editor-in-chief of Prilep Shahin-Bay. Lit.: Dr. Boro Mokrov – Mr. Tome Gruevski, Review of the Macedonian press (1885-1992), Skopje, 1993, 113-114. S. Ml. Shimshire (Zelenika) (Boody Semperavis L., Fam. Bujatcheae) – evergreen bush or a small tree from the wider Mediterranean. There are small, leaf leaves with a flat edge, contrary. The flowers are collected in bosom in the bosom of Lisšshire. The fruit is blunt. In our country is represented in thermophilic forest communities, but at the habitual air moisture. Very decorative, but also with very quality wood (for dishes, instruments, carving). Al. And.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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