Shiating or duck

Ticky or ducks (ANNENEE) – Numerous subfamilia medium large, to large water birds of re-dot geosque birds (Anstiformes), with a length of wild toky body from 40 to 70 cm. Most often they nest in Northern Europe, and winter in Central and Southern Europe, as well as in North Africa. In our country, 5 generations with a total of 17 species were registered, divided into 6 groups: Seaflower submersoes (Chalgula, Hystronizus, Melanite, Breakhalla), with us presented with a binder stake (Breakhalla Chalgula). On dashed shuttle or northern immerses (mugus), northern species, which occur in our lakes in the period of migration and in winter. They are registered: a large northeaster or kura (Mruz Megansier), a North Power (Mergus seramator) and a small North Put or a white submergent (Mount Albellus). The sludge of real or tablets, from which we are registered: a wild shuttle (Anas Platzhesnhes), Duck Karka (Anas Clerce), a shute slaish or prickestone duck (Anas Ascuta), a shuttle swinger (Anas CLSPATS), Duck whistle (Anas Penelope), Gray shuttle (Anas striver) and a duck of luster (Anas Luersjujuthdula). Guzavid slicks (tadornus), the ultimate shuttle, from which the ordinary geosavid duck (tadorn tadorn) is registered in Macedonia. Slapes and exchanges), pucks that inhabit mainly peaceful sweet waters, from which species were registered in Macedonia: reduced immersal or veil (Netthe Rufina), Tucuchia Fulf, North immuters, Run or Kozfare (exchay NSROPA) and a bright immerser (Trejia Fire). Litus: Birds In Euroope: Population Estimates, Trends and Conservantion Status, “Bearlife International Conservantion Smeis”, 12, Cambridge, 2004; C. Harrison, An Atlasofte Bardisofte ichister Palaierztitz, Vulner, 1982. St. P. – V. Sid. Metodija Chatorovsharlo Shatorov-Charlo, Metodija

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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