September uprising in Bulgaria

September uprising in Bulgaria – reboundary action in the Pirin part of Macedonia (1923). The CC of BCP (TS) brought a resolution for lifting an uprising (20. 1923) against the perpetrators of a coup of 9. ⅵ 1923. With VMRO of Todor Aleksandrov, the Bi agreed in the Pirin region to establish only the meshomic polly borough. In a short time in the cities of Mohomija-Razlog and Bansko and the villages Belitsa, Bachevo, Bath, Dobter, Elešnica, Goudevo, Upper and Dolno Delivery and the debris power took over the rebels. Insufficiently prepared uprising was quickly and easily stifled. Due to the formation of the Gornoduma Misconniked Squad, VMRO of T. Aleksandrov fiercely calculated with members of the District Committee of the BCP (TS) and with the fighters of the Gornoduma Menal Squad. The other participants in the uprising in the breakdown of lives were preserved thanks to Aleco Vasilev-Pasha. Lit.: Ivan Qatarziev, fight to victory, 2. Time of maturing. The Macedonian national question between the two world wars (1919-1930), Skopje, 1983; Historus of the Blagoevgradian bacific organizations of BCP, Sofia, 1979. V. Nd. Kocho Serafimov Serafimov, Koco Gavrilov

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СЕПТЕМВРИСКО ВОСТАНИЕ во Бугарија

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