Second Macedonian Merida – Autonomous Administrative-Political and Economic Obestel, formed after the fall of Macedonia under Roman rule in 168. BC The second Merida to the east borders strimate, without Heraclea syntics and bisalthia, while the west extends to the r. Axius, including the Paions, who live east of Axius; The center is in Mr. Thessalonica. The area has its governing body – with-VET (Sinrion) with a one-year mandate, and constitute representatives from city municipalities. The jurisdiction of the sanegro is making decisions for the selection of new magistrates and for collecting the annual tax for Rome. Cities retain their local self-government and continue to be basic administrative units with their own magistrates, etc. organs of power. Lit.: Titty Life, AB URBe Condy, Life, Lipsiae, 1906; F. Papazoglu, Macedonian cities U Roman age, Skopje, 1957. A. Shook.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet