Says, sit Aki

He says, Sit Aki (Veles, 15. ⅻ 1920) – Society from the Turkish community in Macedonia. Primary education and sewer craft ended in his hometown. After joining the working movement (1940), he became a member of the CPY (1941). At the time of the NOB, it was illegalized (1942) and worked in the MK party of the CPY in Veles, and then left as a fighter of the NOO “Goce Delchev” (late 1942). After the disbanding of the squad, he was arrested and lay in Skopje and the Sofia prison, and then interned in the Enni camp (1943). After a short time of freedom (early 1944), he was arrested and interned in the visa camp. After the capitulation of Bulgaria, he was released and worked in Vehcevo, and then he was the president of the NOMSM District Committee in Delcevo, a member of the District Committee of the SCOY and chairman of the NOMSM NOMSM District Committee. Later, he went to work in Skopje, in the then People’s Board, he was Secretary of the SCM of Skopje, president of the Municipal Board of the SSRM “Kale”, President of the City Conference of SSRNM, MP in the Parliament of the NRM / SRM and FNRJ, an official in SSM and others. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВЕЛИ, Седат Аки

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