Dechev, Nikola (Koljo) (Stara Zagora, 1880 – p. Lukovo, Kratovo, 12. IX 1903) – Duke of TMORO, Bulgarian. He was educated in his birthplace, and then at the I Samokov Idokar School (1895-1998). Here he was acquainted with the socialist ideas, was a member of a secret student revolutionary circle, became a member of TMORO (1898) and worked in the supreme workshop for making bombs and other materials. He was first secretary in the company of Andon Janev-Koseto in Gevgelija (spring 1900), the next year he was an assistant depoice in the company of Hristo Chernopeev in Gornoduma (1901), then became the Veles District Duke. In the Ilinden Uprising (1903) he acted in Veles. He was killed in a fight with the Ottoman army. Lit.: Il. IV., Macedonian Gallerage, Ilinden 1903-1922, kn.. 2, Sophage, 1922; Bulgarians – Councils of Goce Delchev. Saying. The granddaughter of Goce Delchev, Baba Lika Copova-Jurukova tells about the direct participation of many Bulgarians in the Macedonian revolutionary movement, “Goce Days – a song for Goce 1981”, 7, Skopje, 7. ⅱ 1981, 17. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДЕЧЕВ, Никола