Samardziev, Pessu.

Samardziev, Peso (Peter) D. (v. substrates, Negotinian, 1877 – p. gorge, Tikvesh, 21. ⅵ 1906) – a participant in the Ilinden Uprising, Tikvesh duke. He finished elementary school in Negotino, and Zhezarko in Samokov, Bulgaria. Established links with Mr. Delchev and with J. Sandanski. He struggled in the m. Popeo and H. Chernopeev (1901). He became an area of ​​Duke (1903). He participated in the Ilinden Uprising and the Prilep Congress of TMORO (1904). He died in a fight with the Ottoman army in the precipitate between the villages of Gorge and Dren, Tikvesh. Lit.: F. Janchev, Good Daskalov and Peso Samardziev – Tikvesh dukes. CB: Less known and unknown participants in the Macedonian Liberation Movement in HKX and the beginning of the 20th century, Skopje, 1995. Al. TR. Aleksandar Samardziski Samardziski, Alexander

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис САМАРЏИЕВ, Пешо

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