Rules – Constitution of the Macedonian Vistaine Committee (1878) – Constitution of the uprising to the liberation of the country and to the creation of an independent Macedonian state. The Constitution was determined the uprising from the local to expand on the entire territory of Macedonia. The people of Macedonia who felt Macedonians and who wanted freedom for Macedonia could participate in the uprising. The establishive forces represented the regular Macedonian army, compiled by infantry and cavalry, organized in captains (from one hundred regular soldiers). In the Macedonian investigative, the People’s Army, except from the regular units, entered the entire Macedonian population from the liberated and from the neo-free territory, obliged to contribute to the success of the liberation deed. The bugging population has been introduced records and mobilization system. The Constitution regulated: the organization of the civil and military investigative power, re-dot and security. The Central Committee, as a political body, was obliged after the release to prepare a constitution for arranging the Macedonian state, as autonomous within the Ottoman state or as independent. Lit.: CB. The rules-Constitution of the Macedonian Vistrenune Committee in the Kresna Uprising, Skopje, 1980. M. Min. Sunday newspaper “Right” (Sofia, 1894-1903)
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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