Andonov-Polyan, Hristo

Andonov-Polyan, Hristo (Dojran, 21. IX 1927 – Skopje, 7. ⅹ 1985) – Historian and UNIV. Pro-Hristo Andonov Polyan Foro. Primary and secondary education and the Faculty of Philosophy (Group History) ended in Skopje. He was elected assistant at the Department of History (1953), PhD (1958), was elected assistant professor (1959), for an associate professor (1966), and then for a full professor (1970) on the subject of general history of the new century. Bill Vice (1960-1963), head of the Department of History (1971-1974 and 1974-1976) and Rector of the University “St. Cyril and Methodius “(1984-1985). As a professor gave an evident contribution to the creation of professional and teaching-scientific cadres. He explored in the country and abroad. Part of the archive documentation published in certain rules of documents, such as the three volumes of “British documents for the history of the Macedonian people”. He participated in scientific gatherings in the country and abroad. His scientific work consists of over 500 units of professional and scientific papers, monographs, scientific articles and articles, reviews, bibliographies, etc., of them 40 separate books. A great contribution gave the lighting and affirmation of the personality and work of Goce Delcev with more books. BIB.: Attachment to the bibliography of Archeology of Macedonia, Skopje, 1952; British bibliography for Macedonia, Skopje, 1966; British documents on the history of the Macedonian people, and-ⅱ, Skopje 1968 and 1977; Goce Delchev, t. 1-6, Skopje, 1972; Macedonia and Slovenia, Skopje, 1978; Selected works, t. 1-5, Skopje, 1983. Litus: Hristo Andonov Poleski 19271985, Ohrid, 1990; Hristo Andonov Polyan, life and work, Skopje, 1996. M. Min. John Andonov-Reagan

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АНДОНОВ-ПОЛЈАНСКИ, Христо

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