Red Cross of the Republic of Macedonia – Voluntary, massive, independent, non-governmental, non-partisan and independent humanitarian organization of the Republic of Macedonia. The main goal of the Red Cross of the Republic of Macedonia is the improvement of the life of vulnerable people, exposed to the highest living risk, with minimal social and economic security and human dignity, without discrimination by nationality, race, gender, religion, language, social position and political commitment . The position and tasks of the Red Cross, the use and protection of the emblem and the name of the Red Cross, as well as the way of financing the tasks, are regulated by the Law on the Red Cross of the Republic of Macedonia. The first activities of the Red Cross (CC) on the territory of Macedonia are registered in the initial years of ⅹⅹ c. (After the Ilinden Uprising, 1903), and especially in the emergence of conflicts with the acquittal, national and social dimension (1908) and during the time of the Balkan Wars and the First World War, with elements of the indicative and protective role in providing assistance to wounded, sick, captives and other persons who needed help. Members of the Red Cross of the Republic of Macedonia in Action CC of Macedonia was established at 17. ⅲ 1945, when the founding assembly was held, and for the first president of the Main Board, Aleksandar Petrovski was elected. The CC of the Republic of Macedonia works independently and operates from 21. ⅴ 1992, when it is a Done-Sen New Statute, which closely regulates the position and structure of the organization, as well as the basic objectives and tasks of the Central Committee of Macedonia in accordance with the Statute of the International Federation of the CC and Red Crescent (CP). The Red Cross of the Republic of Macedonia is recognized as a national company of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of 1. 1995, and 27. 1995 was admitted as a full member of the International Federation of the National Companies of the Central Committee and CP. According to the Statute of the CC of the Republic of Macedonia, the organizational and managerial structure is set at central, city and municipal level, by acting of 34 municipal organizations of the Central Committee of the City of Skopje, with its managerial bodies. In particular place in the past period there was informative-publishing activity. A number of books, brochures, flyers and other printed materials have been printed. The first public newsletter is “healthy people” (1945), in 1959. transformed into “our work” and since 1972 The newsletter “Solidarity” is regularly printed. The CC of the Republic of Macedonia provides financial resources mainly from the membership fee, from project donors, from the Ministry of Health (blood donation), from the budget of the Republic of Macedonia, from games of chance and other benefits provided for in the Law on the CC of the Republic of Macedonia. Lit.: Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of R Macedonia. Law on Red Cross of R Macedonia. Fig. Journal of RM 41/94; Red Cross of R Macedonia. Permanent Humanitarian Mission – to an interview the power of humanity, Skopje, 2006; Red Cross of R Macedonia. Jubilee edition of the newsletter “Solidarity” 1945-2005, Skopje, 2005. D. D.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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