Radovic, Life (village Djurjevac, Valevo, 5 and 1907 – Belgrade, 14. ⅹ 1979) – Philosopher, university professor. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in a white city (1932), where he received his PhD (1940). At the Faculty of Philosophy (Institute of Philosophy) in Skopje worked from 1948 to 1951. He taught the subjects of logic and history of philosophy. He published the first textbook on the logic in Macedonian language (1952). BIB.: Philosophy Henry More Carerea and NiN significantly, 1941; Logic, 1952; etc. Lit.: Faculty of Philosophy 1946-1976, Skopje, 1976, 76. V. Panz.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис РАДОВИЌ, Живорад