Radochic, Svetozar

Radochic, Svetozar (Sremski Karlovci, Serbia, 27. 1909 – Belgrade, 20. ⅹ 1978) – A leading Serbian art historian after World War II. The founder is the Department of Art History in Belgrade. He studied in Ljubljana and Zagreb, specialized in Vienna and Prague. A close associate of N. L. Occunyv. The representative is the contemporary school of art history. Before the Second World War he lived and worked in Skopje, where he published books of Portraits Serbian Government U Much of Veck and Annotic Church Museum U Skopje (the circulation was destroyed in the shelling of Skopje, and later issued phototypical edition). In his opus after the Second World War, he specially refers to the works of the painters Michael and Eutychius and the ornamental and decorations in the books of the blind and the Kratovo screptaria, as well as the painting monuments in Macedonia, decorated in the time of the Serbian political administration. From his studies, we especially distinguish contributions for historu, the oldest Ohridsk painting paintings. At the ⅹⅰⅰ International Wantatological Congress in Ohrid (1961) had a convenient to the Plenial Report of V. N. Lazarev, with an overview of painting in Macedonia in ⅺ and ⅹⅰⅰ c., Which explains one of the most complex cycles in the exonaratex of “St. Sofia “in Ohrid by ⅹⅳ c. BIB. Portraits Serbian Government U Midst, Veku, Skopje, 1934; Analy church museum U Skopje, Skopje, 1941; Masters Start Serbian paintings, Belgrade 1955; He aged Srpske Miniature, Belgrade, 1950; Staro Serb Painting, Belgrade 1966; Icon of Serbia and Macedonia, Belgrade, 1963; Appendices for historu, the oldest Ohridsk painting, Zriva, ⅷ, Belgrade 1964, 355-381; Rappports 2 Tslomenes, Jia Congrez International Des Etudes Bdzantines, Belgrade-Ozherded, 1961, 60-63; “Qin Bivaemi of the exclaimed souls of bodies” U Monumental painting ⅹⅳ centuries, Zreva, 7, Belgrade 1961, 39-50; Fresco repentations Davidot U Ohridish St. Sofia, “Olderly”, NS, ⅸ-J, Belgrade 1959, 133-136; Yeknow the Painting School, another halves ⅹⅴ centuries, ZLU, 1, Novi Sad, 1965, 70-103. Cv. Gr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис РАДОЈЧИЌ, Светозар

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