Quiselizing organizations in Macedonia (1941 – 1944) – associations established directly after Macedonia’s occupation and dismag of Macedonia in April 1941. They aimed to carry out and spread fascist ideology, nationalism and chauvinism and to strengthen and determine the existing (Bulgarian and Italian / German) power, by preventing the armed struggle and liquidation of members of the liberation movement and members of the CPM and the SCO. Organizations in the part of Macedonia occupied by Bulgaria were: Bulgarian Central Action Committee, Vincomyhailist VMRO, “Brandnik”, the Subgraus Union “Father Paisius”, the Union of Bulgarian National Legions, Rats for Progress on the Bulgarians, Counterparties, the Church Organization of Draza Mihajlovic, the Group The Chikrov – Gjuzelov, etc. In the part occupied by the Italian army were: Fascist Party, Bali Vipe, Legality, Besa, Fasha, Krasnik Officer (hero officer), Bashkimi Dibration (Debar unity), Rynik Shqiptare (Youth Party of Shops), etc. All organizations are disbanded in September and November 1944. Lit.: Gjorgji Malkovski, Prophistist and collaborative organizations and groups in Macedonia 1941-1944, Skopje, 1995; The same, political parties and organizations in Macedonia in World War II 1941-1944, Skopje, 2002. F. Malc. Cedar (Pinus Peuchet, Macedonian Pine)
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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