Proceed, Nade Anastasova (Resen, 9. 1949) – Historian, UNIV. Professor. Upon completion of the group of archeology at the Faculty of Flazofthus in Belgrade (1973), where he and her master’s (1978) and defended the doctoral dissertation from the history of ancient Macedonia (1992). In order to deepen studies in mythology, epigraphic and Numismatics, the study stay of Sorbonne-Paris and (1979-1981). She worked as a curator at the People’s Museum in Prilep (1973-1975), and then (since 1984) teaches history of ancient Macedonians and history of the old age (old-eastern peoples, ancient Greeks and Romans) at the Institute for History of the Faculty of Flozofile in Skopje. She participated in the excavations of ancient and medieval sites (in Macedonia, Serbia, Poland and Greece), as well as in projects at the Archaeological Institute in Belgrade, at the Berlin Academy of Sciences, Sanu and MANU. She performed at international scientific gatherings in France, Canada, Serbia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia and the Netherlands, and had studied stays in Poland (1977), in the French archaeological school in Greece (reputed 1992) in the French Institute in Istanbul (1993) , In the Austrian Academy of Sciences (1998) and Universities in Nancy, Nanter – Paris X and others. The editor and preparer is the editions of Mysealanea Xzantino-Macendonica and Historia Antijeoe Macydeons and Pavager and publisher of ancient authors. He published a number of contributions in domestic and foreign magazines and collections. The holder is the Order of the Government of France Cavalier de Palmes Academijijijes (1997). BIB. Stories for ancient Macedonians, Skopje, 1997; History of Argetads, Skopje, 2004. BL. R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПРОЕВА, Наде Анастасова