Popstephanov, Lazarus (Bansko, 1897 – East Front, USSR, 1941) – Colonel in the Red Army. He finished high school and participated in the First World War (19161918) and in the September Uprising (1923). Emigrant in the Kingdom of SCS, where he finished the Faculty of Law. He went to the Soviet Union and Moscow completed the Military Academy “Frundes”. During the attack on Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union was the head of the division of the division. He died on the front. Lit.: Unfortunately 1922/1944, CB: You were killed in the fight against capitalized and fascism from Blagoevgradian berries, Sofia, 1971. V. Nd. Stolish, Anton (village Lesko, Gornodumais 15th ⅱ 1869 – Sofia, 9. ⅷ 1928) – Folklorist, Ethnographer, teacher, literary historian. It originates from a priest family. He completed the Thessalonika Male High School (1890) and Sofia High School (1897). He was a teacher or director in gymnasiums in Prilep, Bitola, Sir, Thessaloniki, Drenian, etc. places. He was the chief Exarchical Inspector in Constantinople (1910-1913), followed by the editor and director of the Ethnographic Museum in Sofia (1913- 1928). In Sofia, he published two collections with folk songs from Macedonia, the first in 1894 (“bits of songs”) and the second in 1895. (“Poems of Political Life”). He also published two books: “B’Lgarotebooks from Macedonia” (Sofia, and 1922, and ⅱ, 1928), two volumes: “Index finger of printed folk songs” (Sofia, and 1916 and ⅱ, 1918) and more Articles and studies in the field of folklore, language and literature. Lit.: Anton P. Stoilov, Macedonian folk songs. Reduction Dr. Marko Kitevski, Skopje, 1990; Anton P. Stoilov, Macedonian folk visi. He compiled and edited by Dr. Marko Kitevski, Skopje, 2000; Kiril Penakliski, Macedonian Folklore, Historical Review, Skopje, 1999; “Notify the People’s Ethnographic Museians, Sofia, Rh. 8-9, 1929; Encyclopedia Pirinski Kraÿ, ⅱ, Blagoevgrad, 1999, 141. M. Keith. Vladimir Potputov
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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