Popovski, Gligor

Popovski, Gligor (village of Budinarci, Berovo, 1 ⅳ 1928 – Skopje, 14. ⅴ 2007) – One of the first writers for children and youth, translator. He graduated from the Teacher School in Skopje. Worked as editor of children’s magazines of “Children’s Joy”. Gligor Popovski Part: Stevroshibitions: Flower, SK., 1953; Rosica, SK., 1956; With troteton on the whole world, SK., 1958; For a more beautiful world, SK., 1978; Man with a man, SK., 1982; fairy tales and tales: a fairy tale for the child Vilen, SK., 1952; Extras for waterways, SK., 1967; Sailor Neb, SK., 1971; Deer stone, SK., 1988; Romani: The bridge, SK., 1959; Red Hand, SK., 1961; Is-Pit, SK., 1972; Bojan, SK., 1973; Mountain, beauty, SK., 1979; The teacher, SK., 1984; The other side, SK., 1991. V. Tot. Grigory Popovski

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПОПОВСКИ, Глигор

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