Popivanov, Stefan Macedonia

Popivanov, Stefan Makedonovich (Kocani or Veles, 17. 1875 – The USSR, 1932) – a gymnasium teacher and communist Dian, father of raspberry and Peko Popified. Due to the participation in the assassination over the Bulgarian Minister of Education in Sofia, the whole family was arrested (1918). He was a member of the BCP. For political reasons, he moved to Belgrade (1920), and then in Skopje he became a secretary of the PC of the CPY for Macedonia (1922). At the same time, his daughter Malina was a member of the MK of the CPY in Skopje, and the son of Ceko Secretary of the SC. After re-arrest (1924), he was a delegate of ⅴ Congress of Ki (1924). He was later summoned in the USSR (1929). For some time with a Russian ship stayed at the Baltic Sea (1931/32). He was arrested and sentenced to Stalin’s purges. Mote is rehabilitated (28. x 1963). Lit.: Dimce and Todor Zografski, CPY and VMRO (united), Ini, Skopje, 1974; Bane Chadikovski, the revolutionary path of Stephen Popivanov, “Messenger” of Ini, no. 3, Skopje, 1980; Kuzman Georgievski, a bright character, memories of contemporaries of Malina Popivanova, “Goce Days – a song for Goce”, ⅶ, 7, Skopje, 7. ⅱ 1981, 20-21; Kuzman Georgievski – Sasha Marcus, Macedonian Revolutionary Malina Popivanova, Skopje, 1985. S. Ml. Ceko Stefanov Popivanov Popivanov, Ceko Stefanov / Stefanovic (Kocani, 27. ⅸ 1907 – Skopje, 20. 1944) – Macedonian literary-cultural and social-political Deper, poet, prose, and dramatic author, journalist and publicist. The son of the Macedonian communist leader Stephen Popivanov (later liquidated in the USSR) and the brother of the Youth Communist activist and Siberian Zagerina Popivanova. As a pupil in Skopje, CEKO enters the leadership of the Skyenka Group (1922), a member and then the Secretary is the district Committee of the SCOY (1924), next year, the political secretary of the SCOY for Macedonia and a delegate of ⅱ Congress of the Kari in Vienna, as well as chairman of the Messured Trade Union in Skopje. It is constantly the focus of the workers’ and national movement in Macedonia. After his father’s liquidation and his sister in the USSR, a turnaround and his life occurs. Arrested in Skopje and imprisoned in Belgrade (1930-1931), it remains without working with the family, persecuted by the authorities and hated by the juice. In the fight for bread, it is given to writing poetry. It is included in the informal literary circle in Skopje (1931) and with Ch. Minderovic in Skopje publish a common poetry “documents” (1932), and the poetic “Reporting poem” “Mata Jar” (1933). It occasionally cooperates in various daily and periodic publications across Yugoslavia, but regularly dismissed as “Leftist”. In the SP. “LUM” (1937-1938) also publishes 6 songs in Macedonian language, and fragments of the ramed novel “poppy”. He writes reports and traveling after the Balkans. In 1938/39 It types the drama “Country” in Macedonian language, but it fails to print it to put it on the stage. With the journalist R. Gogic publish the book on the persecution of the Jews “subjects Nicheist” (1940), and at the beginning of 1941. His extensive poetry “Pirincano Polja” turns out, in which the special cycle of songs in Macedonian language “Premier Elegy is”. Postparts Premier Elegje, Lenush ‘. Following the Bulgarian occupation of Macedonia (1941) for a long time, it is short time for a correspondent from Skopje to Sofia newspapers “Zoom” and “Dš”. For some time, he is an associate of the occupying newspaper “C

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПОПИВАНОВ, Стефан Македонович

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