Popadic, Vukashin

Popadic, Vukashin (Glamod, Bugojno, 1904) – Epidemiologist, microbiologist. Medicine finished in Zagreb. He worked in the hygienic Institute in Skopje, and since 1932. In Bitola, as an epidemic and microbiologist in the permanent bacteriological station and the DNH. At the time of the Bulgarian occupation worked in the district hygienic laboratory. He actively collaborated with the partisans until the first half of 1944, when together with his wife joined the partisans. After the liberation, the Minister of People’s Health in the Government of the Federal Macedonia (16. ⅳ 1945). Then he was unev. Professor and Director of the Hygiene Institute in Skopje. Documents for the struggle of the Macedonian people for autonomy and national state, t. 2, Skopje, 1981, 643. P. B.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПОПАДИЌ, Вукашин

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