Pop Antov, Todor

Pop Antov, Todor (v. Vatasha, Tikvesh, 28. ⅱ 1875 – Plovdiv, 29. ⅹⅰⅰ 1954) – Teacher, revolutionary, member of the VMORO. Graduated from an exarchical gymnasium in Thessaloniki (1895). He studied chemistry in Geneva. He taught in Prilep, Pehcevo, Melnik, Skopje. He was a member of the Russian and the Skopje RK. The Rila Congress was elected a member of the Central Communications. He participated in the Balkan and World War I. Exhibit. and Lit.: Fighting in Macedonia and Oral 1878-1912, memories, Sophie®, 1981; T. Pop Antov, memories. Foreword and editorial of Z. Todorovski, Skopje, 2002. Al. TR. Hristo Pop Antov.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПОП АНТОВ, Тодор

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