
Pine tree. (Rod Pinus L., FAM. PINACEAE) – Rod with about 80 evergreen coniferous species in the northern hemisphere. All types are trees by making stems and pyramidal habitus, with an overview schedule of branches on which long-term and short-ranking are formed. The pins after 2 to 5 in Kosetto. One-life and one-way. Connection is a shaft of different shape and size. The tree and other organs contain a large amount of chumple substances. In our country, they are: a) Bell Pine (Linak) (P. Sylvustris L.) – Eurasian species, in the Republic of Macedonia is naturally represented in the high parts of Shar Planina, then in Mariov-Molika (Ealov or Macedonian Pine) the Maleshevo Mountains . Two-pine pine with short, shadeful pins and small cones. There is a very quality wood and is one of the pines of great economic significance for forestry; b) Krivulj (mountain pine) (P. Mu-TURRA) – high mountain pine with dashed areal in the mountains of Central and Southern Europe. In the Republic of Macedonia is represented on Shar Planina and Jakupica. The field bush or small wood with more root stems. There are two short and rigid pins in the shortest; c) Molika (Elilo Bor; Macedonian Pine) (P. P. Peucent Gris.) – Balkan endemite and tertiary relic revealed 1839. of Pelister. Fifth Image Pine widespread in the high silicate mountains in the Balkans; d) Munica (P. Leuzondis Ant.) – Balkan Subenodemite and Tertiary Relict spread in high limestone mountains in the Balkans and South Italy. His remains of Shar Planina and Galicica were registered in the Republic of Macedonia. Two-pine pine with dark green, rigid pins; e) Black Pine (Breza) (P. Nigra Arn.) – South European, many polymorphous two-pine pine. In our country there is general prevalence, and regions with larger forest complexes are Mariovo, Maleshevo and Porer. One of the most significant coniferous species for Macedonian forestry. In addition to the autochthons, in the Republic of Macedonia, there are already massively equally represented and many Alochton pines: Webimov (P. Strito L.), Silver (P. Monticolla Dougl.), Himalayani (P. Egceles Vall.), Bruce (P. Bruiia Tan.), Primorski (P. Maritima Mille.), Yellow Pine (P. Ponderosa Ligos.) And others. Al. And.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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