Petrovski, Metodija (Kumanovo, 9. 1938 – Skopje, 11. ⅴ 2008) – Professor of literature, politician and writer. Primary school and gymnasium ended in Kumanovo (1957), graduated (1961) and a master’s degree at the Philosophycytical Faculty (Group History of Yugoslav Literature) in Skopje on the topic “The poetic and culic work of Slavko Janevski”. Was editor of c. “Student Word” (Skopje, 1959-1961), editor-in-chief of the SP. “MUGRA” (Kumanovo, 1957-1961) and journalist in “Our newspaper” (Kumanovo, 1963). As a socio-political Deper was vice president of the municipality of Kumanovo (1967-1972), Deputy Republic Secretary of Education and Science (1972-1974), member of the Writers’ Association of Macedonia (from 1972), President of the Municipality of Kumanovo (1974- 1982) , Member of the Community Presidency of the Cities and Municipalities of Yugoslavia (1974- 1982), a member of the CC of SKJ (1978- 1982), a member of the CC presidency of the SCM (1982-1988), chairman of the publishing council of c. “Communist” (1982-1988), president of the SSRM (1988-1990, secretary and vice president of SSRNJ (1990-1992); coordinator and adviser in Sileks, after which he went to retirement (2000). Bib.: Coming to The passenger, Skopje, 1970 (poetry); Karposh – Kozjaign legend, Skopje, 1971 (Romanized biography); flowers in the word, Skopje, 1972 (poetry); Pance Peshev, Skopje, 1973 (Romanized Biography); Perov, Skopje, 1974 (Romanized biography); Kiro Fetak, Skopje, 1975 (Romanized Biography); flowers, Skopje, 1978 (poetry); Time of Creation, Skopje, 1985 (essay); Horizons of Culture, Skopje, 1988 (essay). S. ml . Pande Petrovski Petrovski, Pande Aleksov
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПЕТРОВСКИ, Методија