Petroska-Beska, Violeta Radomirova (Skopje, 13. 1956) – a psychologist, university professor. She graduated from Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (1979), mastered at Columbia University of New York (1982), while Ph.D. at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade (1989). The Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje was employed in 1980, and a full professor was from 1999. After the additional education of Columbia University in New York (1994), its scientific-expert engagement is expanded in the field of conflict resolution and interethnic understanding. The corporator is at the Human Rights Center and conflict resolution at the Institute for Sociological and Political and Legal Research (since 2001). He published a number of papers, textbooks and manuals. BIB.: Preparation and application of objective knowledge tests, 1993; Methodology of experimental research in psychology, 1994; Conflicts: What constitute and how they are dismissed, 1995; How is an empirical research report written, 1996; Survey – Who, what, as, why, 1999; Respect for differences, 1999; Education for Peace, 2002; Passing as a scientific method in psychology, 2005. Lit: Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje: 1920-1946-2006, Skopje, 2006, 277. V. Arn. Kiril Petrushev -Choto Petrushev-Chico, Cyril
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПЕТРОСКА-БЕШКА, Виолета Радомирова