Pelagonija, construction joint stock company, Skopje – was established in 1947. As a construction company for the construction of capital projects (residential, commercial, public and industrial facilities). At one point reaches up to 12,800 employees. In its existence, there has been a large number of residential, commercial and administrative facilities, as well as schools and kindergartens, hotels and resorts, hospitals, sports and hydroobjects, meliorative systems, dams, water supply systems and sewage and sewage facilities, Roads, bridges, railways in the country and abroad. Since 1967 It is constantly on the foreign market (Libya, Czechia and Slovakia, Germany, Iraq, Kuwait, Russia, etc.) of 2005. works in private ownership. Pelagonia: Pelagonija. D.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПЕЛАГОНИЈА, Градежно акционерско друштво, Скопје