Peace and sanctification Miro

Peace and sanctification Miro – one of the important elements of the legitimacy of every autocephalous Orthodox Church. The Macedonian Orthodox Church, such as autocephalous, gained it right through good understanding and love from the Romanian and Bulgarian Orthodox Church, from which blessing and sacred oas, as a separate gift, which, together with the peace of the Serbian Orthodox Church, had And he used the Macedonian Orthodox Church, was excluded in the Miro at the first of our peacekeeping and sanctification of Miro in Skopje (1971). Romanian Patriarch Justinian and Bulgarian Patriarch Cyril of the delegation of the Macedonian Orthodox Church gave Holy Miro from his churches, with a message to the head of the Macedonian Orthodox Church Archbishop Dositeus, during the sanctification of the new Miro to put from the Holy Miro on their churches, in a sign of unity and equality between churches and a symbol of love between the hierarchy and believers. Lit.: Stojan Jankovski, Protadencon, peacekeeping and sanctification of Sacred Miro, “Journal”, Official Gazette of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, Skopje, 1971; Constitution of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, Skopje, 1975. Rat. Gr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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