Payment Balance of the Republic of Macedonia

Payments Balance of the Republic of Macedonia – Systematic overview of the economic transactions of the Republic of Macedonia with the world over a year. Payments statistics are prepared on the basis of the IMF methodology, and for the preparation and monitoring of the payment balance is the competent NBRM. Transactions in the balance of payments are grouped into three basic works: 1) Current account, 2) Capital and Financial Account and 3) errors and omissions. Furthermore, the current account consists of four eligible: goods, services, income and current transfers. Within the mounting goods, the Macedonian import and export of goods, which are shown on FC is registered. the basis. In the mounting services, the import and export of different types of services, such as: transport, tourism, telecommunication services, investment works, insurance, business services, etc. Model income systematizes all transactions between Macedonia and the world based on inflow and outflow of salaries of employees, profits from investment, dividends, interest on loans and loans, etc. The mounting current transfers cover the inflow and outflow of official and private transfers. The first most often refer to the assistance that Macedonia receives from foreign countries and international organizations, expressed in money and goods, while the latter covers remittances, buying and selling foreign effective money in exchange offices, as well as rents, pensions, disabilities, etc . In the capital and financial account, all capital transfers and financial transactions between Macedonia and the world are registered. The most important items in this account are: direct investments, portfolio investments, trade credits, loans, currencies and deposits and gross official reserves. Direct investments include the stakes of foreign natural and legal entities in the Macedonian economy, i.e. of domestic natural and legal entities abroad, expressed in goods and money. Trade loans approved abroad and received from abroad represent the difference between the physical exchange of goods between Macedonia and the world and performed payments of the Republic of Macedonia, 1993-2007 (in millions of dollars) 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1997 1997 1999 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2007 I. Current account -82.54 -262.94 -299.91 -339.85 -28.56 -278.82 -65.67.61 - -157.91 - goods, net services, net services, net services, net services, net services, net services 314.67 -156.16 -386.27 -137.75 -515.63 -59.82 -495.92 38.85 -690.82 48.70 -526.72 -19.17 -805.58 -22.11 -851.00 -6.62 -1,138.97 -54.37 -1,063.03 -33.64 -1,284.99 28.25 -1,629.75 34.98 income, net Current transfers, net -56.69 85.80 -46.60 123.70 -39.57 163.95 -51.35 182.33 -54.51 291.97 -52.25 348.87 -71.82 463.64 -64.53 609.04 -27.97 337.78 -44.33 494.42 -62.39 735.90 -39.19 779.71 -113.46 1,052.21 -36.65 1,237.00 -385.02 1,382.96 ⅱ. CAPITAL AND FINANCIAL ACCOUNT -12.85 162.34 280.63 318.20 349.63 296.30 -91.43 40.20 236.60 387.98 218.30 434.05 165.47 48.54 638.84 CAPITAL ACCOUNT FINANCIAL ACCOUNT net, net 0.00 -12.85 30.04 132.31 1.70 278.93 0.00 318.20 0.00 349.63 -1.79 298.09 0.00 -91.43 0.33 39.87 1.39 235.20 8.26 379.72 -6.69 224.99 -4.62 438.68 -2.02 167.49 -1.11 49.66 4.91 633.93 ⅲ. Errors and omissions 95.39 100.60 18.28 21.64 -63.06 -17.48 156.69 57.41 -0.51 -10.37 -34.19 18.77 -75 7.84 -42.01 You payments for them. The use of loans is the use and obligations for repayment of the principal after medium and long-term loans and loans. The item currencies and deposits refers to the change of foreign currency assets and the foreign exchange obligations of monetary authority, commercial banks and the population. As an integral part of the capital and financial account, the changes in the state of the official foreign exchange reserves of Macedonia are also presented. The last part of the balance of payments is called errors and omissions and is a corrective category, which shows the statistical deviation between the value of the current account and the value of the capital and financial account. This category reflects the difficulties in recording economic transactions between the country and abroad, i.e. The inability to fully and accurate registration. Within the current account, the Macedonian economy is distinguished by high deficit in the trade balance, which is partly neutralized by the high surplus in the mount of current transfers. The IS – Macedonia registered a deficit and in the mounting of services (especially in the first half of the 1990s), as well as in the source of income (as a result of the outflow of assets based on paid interest and dividends). As a consequence, Macedonia traditionally shows the current account deficit from the balance of payments. Within the capital and financial account, the share of individual items (direct investments, trade credits, loans and currencies and foreign currencies) is different in separate years and can not determine some regularity regarding the structure of the capital and financial account. Avail: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, “Newsletter”, ⅲ / 2006, Skopje, December 2006, 81-82; “Newsletter”, Ministry of Finance, Skopje, July / August 2006, 7. Lit.: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, “Newsletter”, ⅲ / 2006, Skopje, Dec-

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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