Orta Mosque

Orta Mosque (Strumica) – Archaeological complex in the center of Strumica, at the foot of the medieval fortress of the city of Kings Kuli, a monument of culture, built in 1613/1614. The excavations revealed a rich stratography of ⅱ c. BCE, so s “up to ⅹⅴⅰⅰ c. AD The remains of a medieval church painted in ⅺ-ⅺ c., As well as necropolises in multiple layers. In addition to architectural remains, fresco painting, marble plastic, inscriptions, coins, ceramics, jewelry, etc. It was built by Durur-Efendi. It has a square base covered with a large dome, which is 13,50 m. Panditives are decorated with quotes from the Koran, and in the interior there are floral decorative motifs. Renovated in 1984 Lit.: M. Stamenova-Atanasova, spiritual traditions of Tiviriopol, Strumica, 2003; Ascem Hakki, Avropa – Osmanl> Mimar> Eserslers. ZUHLAVSA, LLL Cild, 3. Kitab, Šhenebul, 1981; Strumica, cultural and historical heritage, Strumica, 2005. EL. M. etc. F. Bojan Ortakov

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ОРТА ЏАМИЈА

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