Onushchenko, Olexy Samyonovich

Onushchenko, Olexy Samyonovich (village Rood, Poltava Op., Ukraine, 17. ⅲ 1933) – Ukrainian academician, coordinator of co-operation between Nanu and MANU. After the end of the historic Cilosophical Faculty (with Specialty in Philosophy and History) (1956) he is employed in Naughter (1959) and until 1978. He is director of the Institute of Philosophy of Nanu, and then director of the interior Branch of the Academy of Social Sciences in Kiev. Olexy Samyonovich Onushchenko since 1992 is the general manager of the National Library of Nau “V. I. Vernades “. He was elected a member of the Presidium of Nanu (1998) and secretary of the Department of History, Philosophy and Law. Member of the MANU outside of the working composition (since 2009). Coordinator is on the Ukrainian-Macedonian scientific cooperation between Nanu and MANU and organizer and participant of the annual scientific gatherings and a correlator of the common bilingual “Ukrainian” Ulcko-Makedons Teach Science Zburnk “, which comes out in Kiev. Scientific Research Opus. O. It covers over 300 scientific papers published in collections and magazines and 17 separate monographs. He is chairman of the Association of Libraries of Ukraine, the first vice president of the Ukrainian Academy of Political Science, President of the Ukrainian Slavistic Committee, a member of the Ukrainian National Commission on the issues of Ukrainian Spelling and the National Commission of Ukraine for UNESCO. BIB.: Historically-cultful Passing Names and Macedonians and Macedon, Days of Ukrainian Science in the Republic of Macedonia.22 & 23 October 2002, Skopje, Manunanu, Skopje, 2003, 67-74; Beat and Di’aliïï Krste Petkova Misirkova In the names, “Macedonian-Ukrainian cultural ties (X-X century), ⅱ, Manu & Nanu, Skopje, 2004, 161 & 173; Concerns Problems Suskhovdu Suspil Portethaneï, Brite: GB: GB: Emails Benchmarks Duche Scylish Scarnik, Woodk 1, Nanu & Manu, Ki~V, 2005,72 & 78. Bl. R.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ОНИШЧЕНКО, Олексиј Семјонович

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