
Oars (DSTSCIDE) – hardlinal insects. The body is hydrodynamically pinned and widely, tailored to life into a water environment. The hind legs are elongated, widespread and dense fibrous growths, function as oars after which they received the name. Feed with water insects, advantages, tritons and petty fish. The female takes eggs on aquatic plants. The larvae are long and thin, predatory, supplied with strong sickle jaws; Feed in advocates and tiny fish. There are about 4,000 species in the world. 48 species were registered in Macedonia. Honor species in smaller bars and non-defeated waters is the Orange Vesus (DSTISCUS Marginalis L.). Lit.: V. B. Guorguiev, UN Norueau Potarment de Yugoslav (TsoleoTorter, DSTSCida), Frag. Balc. Mousse. Mac. SCI. Nat., Skopje, 1959, ⅱ, 24 (58): 193-196; C. B. Guorguiev, Zatellagus Fauna Yugoslavia. TsoleoNter (Husman -zhrance ET Palpicornia), ACAD. SCI. Art. Slov., Lyubljanna, 1971, ⅲ, 6: 1-46; Vladimir Rowz and Branislava Mihailova, Biodiversity Oh Macendonia Fromm I Vinj Point Off Interest Faunisti. Participidion News Undect: Classes Insputer, Macedonian Museum of Natural Historz – Ministry of Otce, Final Report, Skopje, 1999, 23-30. C. T. K. – M. Cr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВЕСЛАРИ

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