Nikea, Dolenci, Bitola – late anticon, south of the Dolenci, the enmanue road, 18 km west of Heraclea Linkestida (Tab. Peut. Ⅳ, 1: Nichia). The fortification framework of the fortress (casket, paintbole), with dimensions 125 x 122 m, with 10 crustic and 4 circular towers, was formed in the early ⅳ VN. The perimeter is an unearthed part of a large basilica with mosaic floors. Inland kilometer east, on the site of dry meadows, a second basilica (ⅵ c.), And 1.5 km east of the calendon (at the site of Shimena Tumba) and the third basilica, both of the mosaic floor and with more examples of stone architectural elements of the windows from the altar compartments. Originally planned and formed as an object of a military character (for controlling the enforced road), in the late antiquity, the Nicaea grew into a civilian city within the same consideration. Lit.: I. Micricic, ancient cities in Macedonia, Skopje, 1999, 330-331; C. Lilcic, Macedonian stone for gods, Christians and life of life, ⅱ, Skopje, 2002, 758-765, 770-773. C. L.
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