NEKE – High mountain in the Republic of Macedonia, located in the south, and through the SPR, it leads the border with neighboring Greece. It stretches in the direction of SI-JZ, with the highest peak Kajmakchalan (2,520 m), but the top NIDE (2.361 m) is highlighted. The surface of Nidie on our territory is 689 km². In the north, the Seleer Mountain is separated with the Skiviric Gorge of Crna Reka, the West is limited by the Pelagonia valley, south in the Aegean part of Macedonia with the island (Erodean) valley, and in the east morphologically, it builds on the Kozjak Mountain. The geological composition is dominated by Precambrian shales, which allows to develop fluvyodland processes and shapes. Nidie is one of the richest mountains with forests in the Republic of Macedonia. The forest belt is represented by oak, beech and coniferous forests. It is characteristic that from the foot to the highest parts there are all florical types that meet from the Mediterranean to Northern Europe. Lit.: A. Stojmilov, Physical Geography of R Macedonia, PMF, Skopje, 2003. T. And.
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