Nectarius, Archimandrite (Men-to-Nallos) (village Selce, Prilep, 18. ⅹ 1960) – Dijaray of the MOC. Graduated from theology and theological faculty in Skopje. He was monk in the monastery “St. Ilija “- Chardak (16. 1982), and stayed in the monastery” St. Five “in Capari (1981- 1985). He was the chief educator in the Macedonian Orthodox Seminary in Drachevo (1985-1987) and professor (1987-1990); Monah in the monastery “St. Naum Ohridski “In Ohrid, the first Saladzium monk (since 1990) and the first abbot of the MOC Archiary (1993) unhirotonated (in his will). His translations of worship services from Church Slavic language are significant. Lit.: Ratomir Grozdanoski, sacrifice before the monastery altar, “Journal”, Official Gazette of the MOC, Jiciv, 1, Skopje, January-February 1982; The same, Stefan Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonian, Skopje, 2000. Rat. Gr. Statuette, Anzabegovo
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис НЕКТАРИЈ, архимандрит