National Park Pelister

National Park “Pelister” – declared in 1948. It extends to the northern and north-eastern slopes of Pelister, an area of ​​10 400 ha. The geological base over 1,300 m above sea level is a granite that exits the surface in the form of interrupted blocks, stone rivers and sipstaries, and down dominate crystalline shales. The park is rich in water, and the three glacial water filled circles are particularly important. The main motive for proclaiming the National Park “Pelister” is a molika, which is a tertiary relic. Other endemes are Diannchus, Crozus Persteerskus, Alzhemila Perstarica, and the arcothalene species of the southern border of the Karelage Curelula, Anemone Narcysiflora, Yuntsus Tribidus, ELSDUAOOIDES, etc. Its western and southern border reaches Bruckenthalia Stukulifolia. Regarding the use of the national park, three zones are allocated: A strictly protected zone covering the parts over 1,600 m above sea level, recreational zone where there is a children’s resort, hotel, ski lift and ski slopes, picnic places and melioration zone that It covers the areas between the village of Kagan, Top Vretje and Realway Gjavato. R. R.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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