Murati, Xheladin.

Murati, Xheladin (v. Dzepciste, Tetovo, 15. ⅱ 1942) – Pedagogue, university professor. He graduated from the Teacher School in Skopje, Pedagogy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (1969), master studies at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade (1978), and with a doctorate of pedagogical sciences he obtained at the University of Pristina (1984). Worked as a teacher; He was the director of the Institute for Promotion of Pre-school and primary education and education in Tetovo; and professor at the Pedagogical Academy in Skopje. For a full-time professor at the Pedagogical Faculty “St. Kliment Ohridski “in Skopje was elected (1999) on the subjects General pedagogy and methodology of pedagogical research. He was MP in Assembly-Sultan Murad and the Republic of Macedonia, and the function of vice president and a member of the Security Council. He is an author of about 150 expert and scientific papers with diverse pedagogical themes, including textbooks: “General Pedagogy” and “methodology of pedagogical research” (1998), in Albanian language. Bib.: Problems of pedagogy, 1992; Articles for education, teaching and school, 1996; Aspects of the education system in Macedonia, 1997 (in Albanian language), etc. K. Camb. Maria Muratovska-Naumovska

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МУРАТИ, Џеладин

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