Muhic, Ferid.

Muhic, Ferid (Mahoe, BiH, 8. 1943) – Philosopher, university professor and poet. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (1966). Master ‘s (1976) and PhD (1980) in Belgrade. As a Fulbrikov scholarship, he was on post-specialist studies in the United States. He spent all the scientific titles of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, where he is a full professor (since 1986). He was a visiting professor at several universities in Europe, in the United States and Malaysia. Prof. Muhic creates within a number of philosophical disciplines, and teaches more courses: contemporary philosophy, newer philosophy, politics, philosophy of religion, philosophical anthropology, aesthetics, hermeneutics, etc. He published a number of papers, and the most important philosophical works were in the field of philosophy history, especially contemporary. His essays represent the peak of the philosophical prose, which deletes the borders between philosophy and literature. It is present in many philosophical and literary anthologies in the United States, V. Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Malaysia, etc. Translated is in Albanian, English, Arabic, German, Turkish, Italian and other languages. BIB.: Critical methods, 1977; Philosophy of iconoclastics, 1983; Falzo Pergrinus, 1988; Motivation and Meditation, 1988; The shield of gold, 1991; The language of philosophy, 1995; Body nomenology, 1992; Meaning and virtue, 1997; Logos and Hierarchy, 2001; Domination and Revolution, 2005; The descendants of the gods, 2005. Lit.: D. Davidovski, Hawristical anthropology in the creative opus of Ferid Muhic, DIS., Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje, 2004; Z. Zoglev, the tops of the philosopher, 2006; Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje: 1920-1946-2006, Skopje, 2006, 267. Iv. J.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МУХИЌ, Ферид

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