Monumentation of Paion tribes

Monumentation of Paionic tribes. The space of the Paions abounded with golden rivers and rich silver mines. The great ore treasure, and above all the exploitation of silver (known Pagaki and Zletovo-Kratovo mines), created favorable conditions for the appearance of monetound. The first monetary productions from Paione tribal communities were made already at the end of ⅵ c. BC of the darons (ok. 530/25 – OK. 510/500 BC). Coin of the Derons, Overl (Avers / Reverse) These late archhonic releases were lessed on thin silver foliar pieces. These were Annographic, mostly incous money, with small values, intended for local circulation. For them is a distinctive play of cattle, often accompanied by a solar symbol. In the most productive of the darons, Octhidma (Reverse / Reverse), the coins of the ohens, the edons, Layai, etc. appear. (ok. 513 – 480 BC) coin of Liaies, Octhidma (Revers / Reverse) with large values ​​such as decodrchmas, octraers and tetradrachmas. This is the period of the Persian presence and domination over the Aegean, including over Paionia and Macedonia, when it is enormously increased the production of coins from various editions. After the departure of the Persian army, money for the bizalites, darons and some other tribal rulers (OK 479 – 460 BC). The expansionist policy of Alexander is the reason for the cessation of monetound in most Paionian tribes, when significant parts of Paionian territory were connected to Macedonia. The system that was used for cashbing is a complex weight system with an emphasized local “Paionic” character, designed for use and oriental and the so-called. Greek denominations. The style and iconography of coins show numerous links and parallels between the editions of the various tribes. Lit.: J. N. Swarnony, L’L’helenis We primiteen de la Macdom, the Pair of La Nagatics Et L’N’& D. K. Jenkins, An Indutor Greek Cox, London, 1990; M. Sleece – N. Jamgerg, Arzhait Grease Silver Towel: TePhe “Ascouth” Hoard, London, 1975. P. J.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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