Mojov, Lazarus (Negotino, 1920) – a politician, historian, diplomat and publicist. He graduated from the Faculty of Law in Belgrade. In March 1945 He was appointed to the People’s Prosecutor in the Court of National Honor of DFM. It was a public prosecutor of the DFM (1949-1951), President of the Supreme Court of NRM (1953 -1955), an associate and plenipotentiary ambassador of FNRJ to the USSR and Mongolia (1958-1961), Ambassador of SFRY to Austria (1967 -1969) In Guyana and Jamaica (1969-1974), head of the Permanent Mission of the SFRY at the UN (1969 -1974), Deputy Secretary of the SFRY for Relations on Relations (1974-1982), President of the UN General Assembly (1977 – 1978), Chairman of the Presidency of the CC of SKJ (1980-1981), Federal Secretary of Relations (1982-84), a member of the Presidency of the SFRY (1984-1988), President of the Presidency of the SFRY (1987 -88). He published more papers in the field of foreign policy and the Macedonian question. BIB: Bulgarian Workers’ Party (Communists) and the Macedonian national question, Skopje, 1948; About the question of the Macedonian national minority in Greece. One look at the extensive documentation, Ini, Skopje, 1954; Memory records – meetings, people, events book first. Soviet and US leaders in cooperation and confrontation, Skopje, 2006. St. w. and T. Petr. Angel Moisovski.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МОЈСОВ, Лазар