Mitrevski, Pascal

Mitrevski, Pascal (v. Chuka, Kostur Region, Aegean part of Macedonia, 1912 – Skopje, 11. 1978) – Dentil of the Macedonian national and communist movement. Primary education ended in Rupisheta, a gymnasium in Kostur and Faculty of Law in Thessaloniki. Participant in the Greek resistance movement (ELAS). He was Secretary of the SNOF District Committee in Kostur Region (1943), Secretary of Pascal Mitrevski The political commission of the Macedonians under Greece (1944), secretary and president of NOF in the Aegean part of Macedonia and Minister of the Provisional Democratic Government in Greece (1948). After the Civil War in Greece (1949), the CPG was arrested in Albania and was transferred to the USSR. There he was sentenced to a 25-year prison and sent to the camp in Workcuta. In 1955 returned to the SRM. Lit.: T. Mamorovski, Pascal Mitrevski and his time (1912-1978), Skopje, 1992. St. KIS. Sokol Mitrevski

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МИТРЕВСКИ, Паскал

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