Mircev, Dimce Gjoshev (Veles, 13. 1913 – Kavadarci, 6. 1944) – Revolutionary, Nob Organizer in Veles, People’s Hero. Member of the SCOY (from 1933) and the CPY (from 1935). Organizer of several working strikes (1936 – 1941) in Macedonia and Dimce Mircev Serbia. Had been closed repeatedly. In 1941 He actively involved in the preparations for the armed uprising. He was a member of the Military Committee at the MK of the CPY for Veles, organizer for the formation of the Veles NOO “Dimitar Vlahov” (April 1942) and the deputy of the squad (since September of the same year). After breaking down the Department (1943) he crossed into illegality, and from February 1944. He went to work in Kavadarci, as Secretary of the KPM OK for Kavadarci. He died in a collision with the Bulgarian police. Lit.: Veles Partisan Squad 1942, Skopje, 1999; Gorgi Malkovski, the life and revolutionary path of Trajko Capcev, Gini, Jdzage, 1-2, Skopje, 1985. F. Malc. Eftim Mirchev
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МИРЧЕВ, Димче Ѓошев