Ministries in the field of economics. For the performance of the state administration functions, there are 14 ministries of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, and 4 are in the field of economics. Characteristics of ministries in the field of economics have the following: The Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy and the Ministry of Transport and Communications. The Ministry of Economy performs the activities related to the conditions and occurrences of the goods and services market and the impact of economic policy measures; economic, structural and technical and technological conditions; Current economic policy in the field of production, trade, tourism, catering and crafts; the system and policy of the prices of products and services; foreign trade; Energy and other activities determined by law. The Ministry of Finance performs the activities related to the financing system; the tax and customs system; Macroeconomic policy and policy of development of the national economy; the system of banks, savings houses and other financial intermediaries; the foreign exchange operating system; public debt; Commodity reserves and payment operations and other activities determined by law. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy performs the activities related to the use of agricultural land, forests and other natural resources; hunting and fisheries; protection of cattle and plants from diseases and pests; waters; Hydro-melioration systems and other activities determined by law. The Ministry of Transport and Communications performs activities related to road transport and road infrastructure; Railway traffic and railway infrastructure; air traffic and air infrastructure; Telecommunications and telecommunication infrastructure; Residential-communal affairs, arrangement of space and management of construction land owned by the state and other activities determined by law. Some other ministries of the Government have some influence in the field of economy, but they are responsible for special areas for which (defense and protection, social sphere, education, culture, justice, health, local self-government, etc.). Significant impact on the economy have certain secretariats (sectors) in the composition of the Government (for European integration, for foreign investments, information society, etc.). AM: Law on organization and operation of the state administration bodies, “Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia”, no. 58/2000 and 44/2002. M. S. Liljana Mounturkova Minov-Gjurkova, Liljana
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