Miladinov, Konstantin Ristov (Struga, 1830 – Constantinople, 18. And 1862) – Teacher, poet, translator and folklorist, rebellious Dean. He was the youngest son of the eight children in the family. He finished elementary school in Ohrid and Gymnasium in Ioannina (1944-1847), after which he was a teacher in Struga and Tarnovo, Bitola (1847-1849). Then he graduated Greek Philology of Philo-Dimitar Miladinov, Word (1839) Rodoljub Anastasov: Konstantin Miladinov Faculty of Faculty at Athens University (14. 1849 – Summer 1852). For some time, he stayed with Partenia Zografski in the monastery Zograf of Mount Athos, where he studied Russian grammar and then left for a teacher in the village. Magarevo, Bitola (1852/1853). Later he went to Russia (autumn 1856) and studied at the Hospital Faculty of Moscow (1857-1860). There devoted special attention to the old Slavic literature, translated from Russian, in the local magazine “Brato Labor” (1860) of Macedonian and Bulgarian students, in the SP. “Bílgar books” and in c. “Danevski Swan”. After leaving Vienna (late June 1860), he met with Croatian bishop and Slavic Mecuna Josip Juraj Strossmay, and he went to the Episcopal Center Gazikovo (in early October 1860), where he completed the edition of the famous Section with 660 Macedonian folk songs (with over 23,000 verses), various children’s games, customs, beliefs, traditions, proverbs, riddles, folk names and made a small Macedonian-Croatian vocabulary. These are creations collected by him and from his brother Dimitria, and published in Zagreb (1861) with the help of J. J. Strawsmeer. Finding out that Brother Dimitria is imprisoned in Constantinople, he went to help him release, but he was arrested himself. J. J. Strossmeer and other supporters tried to save the brothers, but without success. He died in Constantinople dungeons from Tiffus. He is also the author of the anthological songs “Paves”, “Biser”, “The Chuzhina”, the most famous “T’ga for the south”, etc. In addition, Russian in Macedonian language translated the Antiunic brochure “Orthodox Círocial fraternities in the Ágovidant Russia” by Father Felov (1858). BIB.: BSLGAR People’s
collected by Brother Miladinovci Dimitrija and Constantine and released by Constantine, Zagreb, 1861; Síchinnich. Letters, Toucheski and Vehicivod, under the order. of N. Tabakov, Sofia, 1943; Konstantin Miladinov, choice. Choice and preface Gane Todorovski, Skopje, 1980. Lit.: K. A Sapkarev, Materials for the life of Brother H. Miladini, Dimitrija and Constantine, Sofia, 1884; Book for Miladinovci (1862-1962), Proceedings, articles and articles, Skopje, 1962; Life and work of the brothers Miladinovci, Skopje, 1984; Haralampee Polenakovic, studies of Miladinovci, selected works, 5, Third Edition, Skopje, 2007; Vanco Tushevski, New Macedonian Literature, Skopje, 2008. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МИЛАДИНОВ, Константин Ристов