Mihailova-Boškoska, Gordana

Mikhailova-Boškoska, Gordana (Bitola, 1 ⅸ 1940) – poet, narrative, novelist, essayist and translation. She spent the working life as an editor in Macedonian television. BIB.: Stevroshibitions: Time is gone, SK., 1965; Letters, SK. 1974; Entry into Delta, SK. 1981; Nordic lovers, SK., 1993; New Yorkson, SK., 1993; Mountains of cardboard boxes, SK., 1997; Messages of the distances, SK., 2001; Interpretation of the sea, SK., 2008; Choosing poetry: In the dreams of peaceful boys (in Albanian), SK., 2000; Infinite, SK., 2008; Story: Bosphoro Summer, SK., 1984; Roman: search for a story, SK., 2001. BL. R. Delcho Mihailov

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МИХАИЛОВА-БОШНАКОСКА, Гордана

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