Mihailov, Dragan.

Mihailov, Dragan (Skopje, 2 and 1949) – Order. Prof. of ETF in Skopje. He received his PhD at the ETF Department of ETF in Ljubljana (1979). He worked at the Mathematical Institute with the numerical center (1973-1983). Since 1983 the ETF in Skopje. He stayed at the University of Zagreb (1974) and in Ljubljana (1978) and the Department of Biomatics at the University of California, Los Angeles in the United States (1984/85). Areas of interest: application software, computer graphics, multimedia and biocyberetics. He published a number of papers and managed a number of scientific and professional projects. It is awarded for the best labor in the biocybernics of Ethan. Dr. M. Ivan (Vanco) Mihailov

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МИХАЈЛОВ, Драган

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